Helping you find peace with food, love your body, and discover movement that brings you joy!
My nutrition philosophy is rooted in the principles of intuitive eating, and my focus is guiding my clients toward a positive, balanced, and sustainable approach to nutrition.
With my personal experience of overcoming food and body image issues in a larger body, I coach others from a place of deep empathy and understanding.
I strive to empower others to develop a positive relationship with food and achieve their well-being goals without the stress caused by dieting.
It's important to remember that nutrition is not one-size-fits-all, and that's why I am dedicated to guiding individuals toward personalized choices that align with their health goals, unique needs, preferences, and cultural backgrounds.
Intuitive eating teaches you how to get in touch with your body cues like hunger, fullness, and satisfaction while learning to trust your body around food again.
The focus is on working on creating healthy habits that work for your body, not pursuing intentional weight loss. As a Nutritionist, I can confidently let you know that it is possible to have a healthy, happy life without focusing on the scale.
By focusing on long-term habits and incorporating enjoyable and nourishing foods, I aim to help clients achieve their health goals in a way that is sustainable for a lifetime.
Courses and workshops
Body Image Workbook
Personal Branding Course
Productivity Course
Learn something new every day
On my social networks, I post uplifting content to brighten up your day. I provide practical tips and strategies to inspire your journey to food freedom, body peace, and discovering movement that brings you joy.
Nourish Your Mindset:
Body Image Workbook
If you're ready to cultivate a positive body image and let go of diet culture forever, this workbook will serve as an instrumental tool on your journey to finding body peace.